Velfærd på amerikansk

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1.f er NAG's internationale studieretning, hvor meget af undervisningen foregår på engelsk. Her på den amerikanske ambassade.

By Esben and Christopher, 1.f

As a part of our subject on welfare systems, we were offered a visit to the Embassy of the United States of America in Copenhagen. Upon arrival we went through the in-house security. A guide from the embassy picked us up at the security checkpoint, and led us to the room in which the American speaker told us about welfare, charity and social benefits in the United States. After a very insightful lecture that enlightened us on the conditions in the U.S.A., we had the chance to ask questions we had prepared in class. After discussing the various questions and topics, we were led out by our guide; we received our previously seized belongings and went home.

Before we went on our field trip to the US Embassy, we did not know much about American social security and social benefits. Now, after attending our lecture at the embassy, we have gotten a better understanding of how society in America functions and the rules and regulations of social benefits and charity. A lot of topics were discussed, and some of the things we found interesting were topics such as: ObamaCare, education in the U.S. and comparisons of the Danish welfare system and the American. We realized how expensive it is to go to university, and how lucky we are to live in a country like Denmark, where the state provides us with free education and pays our medical bill. 


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   til torsdag d. 8 august kl. 8

   1. skoledag 1.g onsdag d. 14. august kl. 10

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